Milbemax Allwormer Tablets for Small Dogs 0.5 to 5k
Milbemax Allwormer Tablets protect your dog from all major gastrointestinal worm species including roundworm, hookworm, whipworm and tapeworm.
Key Benefits:
Milbemax Allwormer controls all major intestinal worm species including roundworm, hookworm and whipworm and also controls tapeworms, including the hydatid tapeworm. If given monthly, it also prevents heartworm.
Usage Instructions:
For puppies, Milbemax should be given every 2 weeks from 2 to 12 weeks of age, then monthly until they are at least 6 months old. Adult dogs and puppies over 6 months require treatment for intestinal worms at least every 3 months, and monthly heartworm.
Please weigh your dog and follow the packaging instructions for the right dosage. For best performance treat your dog on or around the same time every 3 months.
Safe for treatment of puppies over 0.5kg from 2 weeks of age, as well as pregnant and lactating females.
Milbemax All Wormer For Small Dogs
Weight Range Breed Guide
Product Recommended 0.5 - 5kg Pomeranian,
Yorkshire Terrier
Milbemax Allwormer
Tablets for Small Dogs
5kg + German Shepherd,
Golden Retriever,
Milbemax Allwormer
Tablets for Dogs